Al-Musallh Magazine is specialized in defensive, armament, strategic matters and national security

Turkey | ASELSAN concludes 2024 with export deals in excess of one billion US dollars.

Turkey | ASELSAN concludes 2024 with export deals in excess of one billion US dollars.

Our website received a press release from the Turkish company Aselsan on the occasion of signing export contracts worth more than one billion US dollars in 2024, a record in…

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China | Advanced Training and Improvements for Chinese J-20 Fighter Outperforms US F-22 Fighter in Squadron Tactics.

China | Advanced Training and Improvements for Chinese J-20 Fighter Outperforms US F-22 Fighter in Squadron Tactics.

China’s Chengdu J-20 stealth fighter has been engaged in advanced tests that utilize swarms of drones to outperform the US Air Force’s F-22 Raptor fighter. These tests involve using drones…

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Ukraine | A bold Ukrainian Su-27 fighter jet is shown carrying US-made GBU-39.B precision-guided bombs integrated into it.

Ukraine | A bold Ukrainian Su-27 fighter jet is shown carrying US-made GBU-39.B precision-guided bombs integrated into it.

Ukraine has once again demonstrated its ability to modernize and adapt Soviet-era fighter jets into its arsenal, as a video recently posted online has revealed. The footage clearly shows two…

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Naval Defence Exhibition & Conference - NAVDEX 2025

Naval Defence Exhibition & Conference - NAVDEX 2025

Naval Defence Exhibition & Conference - NAVDEX 2025NAVDEX will be held concurrently with IDEX, providing a leading global platform for the maritime defence and security sector.

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The Pilgrims’ Security Forces have begun carrying out their assigned tasks for this year’s Hajj season in accordance with security and preventive plans based on a set of pillars that make early preparedness and integration among

all participating parties an operational model that reflects the skill of planning and precise implementation of their tasks in light of everyone’s sense of great responsibility towards their religious and national duty and in compliance with the directives. State leaders and under the direct supervision of the Saudi Minister of Interior, Chairman of the Supreme Hajj Committee.

During the ceremony of the military parade of the force, Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Nayef bin Abdulaziz, Minister of the Interior and Chairman of the Supreme Hajj Committee, stressed that the Hajj security forces are fully prepared and ready to deal with the utmost determination and force to confront everything that may disturb the peace of the guests of God, and to ensure that they perform their rituals with ease. And reassurance.

He noted the great attention paid by the wise leadership to providing care for pilgrims, taking care of the services provided to them, and developing the holy sites, drawing attention to the fact that the Kingdom has harnessed most of its energies and all its human and mechanical capabilities, and used the best modern technologies and artificial intelligence to serve the guests of God and achieve their security and safety.

The Hajj Security Forces reviewed their readiness by implementing a number of security hypotheses that demonstrated the level of ability and proficiency that distinguishes the forces. The most prominent mechanisms, armored vehicles, special vehicles, and security aviation were also reviewed.

The spokesman for the Hajj Security Forces, Lieutenant Colonel Khaled Al-Kreidis, confirmed to Al-Arabiya: The military parade confirms the readiness of the Hajj Security Forces to serve the guests of God, as many hypotheses and a number of formations were implemented in relation to the military parade, confirming their uniformity in implementing the plans that were previously announced. Aspects of maintaining public security, traffic, crowd management, and emergency plans.

He added that there is the readiness of the security services during the Hajj season. These are phased and cumulative preparations. The first stage begins at the end of the Hajj season of last year, and then these stages progress to reach this readiness.

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