Al-Musallh Magazine is specialized in defensive, armament, strategic matters and national security

Saudi Arabia | Ascertaining the readiness of the Hajj security forces to carry out their tasks in preserving the security and safety of pilgrims to the Holy House of God for this year’s Hajj season 1445.

Saudi Arabia | Ascertaining the readiness of the Hajj security forces to carry out their tasks in preserving the security and safety of pilgrims to the Holy House of God for this year’s Hajj season 1445.

The Pilgrims’ Security Forces have begun carrying out their assigned tasks for this year’s Hajj season in accordance with security and preventive plans based on a set of pillars that…

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Turkey | The Chief of General Staff of the Libyan Army participates in the activities of the distinguished Observer Day at the conclusion of the multi-tactical exercise (EFES 2024) held in Turkey.

Turkey | The Chief of General Staff of the Libyan Army participates in the activities of the distinguished Observer Day at the conclusion of the multi-tactical exercise (EFES 2024) held in Turkey.

Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Muhammad Al-Haddad, and his accompanying delegation witnessed the closing activities of the Turkish military maneuvers (EFES2024), in the presence of the military attaché…

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Emirates | The launch of the activities of the eighth session of International Exhibition Security National Resilience (ISNR) 2024.

Emirates | The launch of the activities of the eighth session of International Exhibition Security National Resilience (ISNR) 2024.

This morning, the activities of the first day of the eighth session of International Exhibition Security National Resilience (ISNR) 2024 and the accompanying conference began, which witnessed a wide attendance…

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Turkiye | Libyan participation in the multi-military exercise “EFES-2024” organized by Türkiye with the participation of 49 countries.

Turkiye | Libyan participation in the multi-military exercise “EFES-2024” organized by Türkiye with the participation of 49 countries.

The Libyan Navy's Shafak boat is participating in the "EFES-2024" multinational military exercise, which is being held on the territory of the Republic of Turkey and under its leadership. It…

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The desert occupied avast area around the world, most of sandy desert which knows of its warm climate near tropical area, never the less its more clearly in north Africa, arab island and some of asia and south America zones in addition to parts of south of north America and Australia.

The desert war knows (fight in desert) and the risk is almost in the very tough environment and its harmful effect upon the troops wheather it was in attack or defense position more than the risk of the enemy. The kind of war was sempiternity known to the mankind up to now. The leadrs who managed to adapted with desert win his war even if he withdraw without fight, and who cannot adapted defeated even without facing enemy, however the most important point today is that the conception of this war became of the 21 century upon several aspects such as strategical principles' and tactical operation. Along of history thrre are a lot of leaders being defeated by desert and not by the enemy only , the strtegical analysist said that the ice Russian desert and arab dry desert in the north Africa defeat the germany troops in the second world war, the misleading desert navigation day-in day-out, the uncovered movement of the troops on land. The difficulty of applying the data on maps on the real topographic the lac of intelligency information and 20 gestic supplies beside the landmines etc… all of this becomes enemiese in addition to the facing enemy who well fight. To survive only in the desert which is not familiar for soldiers and their commanders. Historical summary: After the second world war specialized practical program for desert war was established by usa ,to know about the difficulties and tactics of desert war during the war between germany troops and british army that never ever happened again, in the conclusive tankes and armored cars battles such as alalmeen, marsa matrrh and delta in north Africa and egybtian front. Which is still learning in the military academies around the world ,the amercan army still develop the tactics of desert war, by depending on three main sources during and after the arab-israeli wars which was in : 1967-1973 and the reports by military committee from both sides arab and Israeli, with regarding to the lessons that learned from the desert war. We recognize that the tactice of desert wars similar to that of classical terrestrial wars armored tanks, and the tactics of the special forces never the less its vary in one significant point which is the magnitude air uphold that this kind of war required with warplane and helicopters, so the prosperous leader has the ability to change the vegatory of the desert into positive to his advantage and against his enemy. The strtigecal principles: There are many principles of the desert war however it doesnot vary from pasic principles of the war in general for simple reason which is the desert war basicly devised from the war itself. Never the less the amrican troops had abstract the principles of desert war after massive study to the mistakes of recent desert war and by training on the tactics that applied in that wars such as creating similar scenario to Egypt-Israel war 1973, Iraq-Iran 1980-1988 and second gulf war (Kuwait war 1991) ,in addition to Iraq occupation war 2003, to update limited terrestrial operations going on in afhanistan since 2001 for this purpose the usa army had established national training center in moojafee desert in fort arwin at 1980 in calfornia, the usa army keep training its unit in that center during the last century so this units being proficient to face the tactics and weapons of warsou alliance troops at that time which included the desert war as much as most of middle east countries troops centralize in desert and armed with eastern weapons so the princeples of desert war briefed in three main points which is : first, to find out the enemy in very short period time by means of satellite to watch and observation the movement of the enemy troops beside the self-control planes which control the operation stage for more than 48 hours, at the same time the watch and observation on earth is going on 24×24 to avoid the constituent of surprise of the enemy troops to move: this purpose achieved by maneuver and by means of using the canons and pelters plus the support of airplanes and helicopters. But it is not possiple to prevention the prevention the enemy unless the tactics applied rapidly, since the desert id open and the movement means survive viseverse the prevention means demolish and death. Tgird: Destroying of enemy troops ( As far as possiple); the air strike considred the best way to separate the enemy from his front lines and the logestic supplies, to aweak the enemy control of his units and troops. The Developmen: For the importance of modern desert war and with regarding to the risk of it upon troops, the Indian command of terrestrial troops cooperative eith Indian air force had made a new concept to the desert fight ideology in 19 of march 2008, by using training war game called "fire and maneuver" different from the traditional ideology of the desert war in addition to air force and armored vehicles, and for the first time the use of light vehicles also the tank T90 shared in the project with air defence units able to work in desert whatever the climate is. The rule of air force in this was in addition to fire support, is to deploy the airmobile troops. Difficulties: There are a lot of difficulties quantitatively and qualitatively in the direction of desert, however it can be brifed into the following: The biology and midecal troubles to the side of ration and uniform, the changes of whether the poisoning and allergy, insects, reptiles and the skin fester, in addition to the competence of the field hospitals and the most important thing which is the psychology war and morale of soliders electronic difficulties and the range of coverge area of the wirless communication equipment, the weak and the confused of radar signals. *Optical obstract: the difficulty of vision even with spyglass or telescope and or ir-telescope same as the difficulty of vision by naked eye. *Diffculty of mobility because of unsufficient of logestics supply and hard tobography more over the unsufficient of maintrnance works and the need of chain vehicles instead of ordinary vehicles. *Diffeculty of maintenance of helicobters and the spare parts,fuel, ammunition plus the safety of the crews. *The search and save operation for the pilots after juming by parachute and how to use GPS in such operations E.G how to help the lost troops in desert what is known as ground survival. Diffeculties of ground movement troops control day-in day-out beside the troubles of captives and how to keep them and how to delay with the small groups of civilians who lives in desert. The potential solves: There is no one perfect solve for any one of the difficulties of desert war since for each one there are many suggested solves however all of military refrences to agre unanimously on one final solve whichis "training and accommodate in desert" at the end the tactics of desert war has ancient princeples progressing and continuous although the desert is still like now like befor and if the troops did not have got a high level of training, the weapons and all of the military equipment whatever the technology used well not be enoudh to win the desert war.


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