Al-Musallh Magazine is specialized in defensive, armament, strategic matters and national security

Turkey | The Chief of General Staff of the Libyan Army participates in the activities of the distinguished Observer Day at the conclusion of the multi-tactical exercise (EFES 2024) held in Turkey.

Turkey | The Chief of General Staff of the Libyan Army participates in the activities of the distinguished Observer Day at the conclusion of the multi-tactical exercise (EFES 2024) held in Turkey.

Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Muhammad Al-Haddad, and his accompanying delegation witnessed the closing activities of the Turkish military maneuvers (EFES2024), in the presence of the military attaché…

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Emirates | The launch of the activities of the eighth session of International Exhibition Security National Resilience (ISNR) 2024.

Emirates | The launch of the activities of the eighth session of International Exhibition Security National Resilience (ISNR) 2024.

This morning, the activities of the first day of the eighth session of International Exhibition Security National Resilience (ISNR) 2024 and the accompanying conference began, which witnessed a wide attendance…

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Turkiye | Libyan participation in the multi-military exercise “EFES-2024” organized by Türkiye with the participation of 49 countries.

Turkiye | Libyan participation in the multi-military exercise “EFES-2024” organized by Türkiye with the participation of 49 countries.

The Libyan Navy's Shafak boat is participating in the "EFES-2024" multinational military exercise, which is being held on the territory of the Republic of Turkey and under its leadership. It…

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Libya | The start of the activities of the first forum for directors of higher Arab national defense colleges and institutes, under the slogan: “Arab National Security - Challenges of Reality, and Prospects of the Future.”

Libya | The start of the activities of the first forum for directors of higher Arab national defense colleges and institutes, under the slogan: “Arab National Security - Challenges of Reality, and Prospects of the Future.”

Under the auspices of the General Staff of the Libyan Army, and the organization of the Libyan Higher Academy for Strategic Studies, the activities of the first forum for directors…

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The UAE sought the stealthy F-35, and MQ-9 unmanned systems for the United Arab Emiratesand a sale of the fighter jets would represent a  win for the Trump administration, which has made increasing U.S. weapon exports

a key part of its economic platform. In a statement, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the package, which comes with an estimated price tag of $23.37 billion, includes up to 50 F-35s worth $10.4 billion, 18 MQ-9Bs worth $2.97 billion, and $10 billion worth of air-to-air and air-to-ground munitions.

“This is in recognition of our deepening relationship and the UAE’s need for advanced defense capabilities to deter and defend itself against heightened threats from Iran,” Pompeo said. “The UAE’s historic agreement to normalize relations with Israel under the Abraham Accords offers a once-in-a-generation opportunity to positively transform the region’s strategic landscape. Our adversaries, especially those in Iran, know this and will stop at nothing to disrupt this shared success.”
“The proposed sale will make the UAE even more capable and interoperable with U.S. partners in a manner fully consistent with America’s longstanding commitment to ensuring Israel’s Qualitative Military Edge,” he added, referencing a U.S. legal standard that Israel maintain a military technological advantage over its neighbors.
The sale was expected ever since the signing of peace agreements between Israel and the UAE. The administration previously informally notified Congress of the sale’s details, with leading foreign policy Democrats signaling they would act to block it.
Potential foreign military sales notified to Congress are not guaranteed to move forward, and the quantities and dollar figures can often change during final negotiations. But even getting this far is a big win for the UAE, which has long sought the stealthy F-35; it also represents a win for the Trump administration, which has made increasing U.S. weapon exports a key part of its economic platform.

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