Istanbul, Turkey
16th - 18th May 2016
Event Overview
Now in its 4th year we are pleased to announce that our Border Management & Technologies Summit is heading to Ankara for the first time. The event will allow you to analyse the latest migration issues being faced in Europe and Turkey’s southern border.
There is an argument that the European Union needs to evaluate and review the Schengen Agreement and the free border movement within the EU. It is becoming harder for governments to monitor each migrant and refugee crossing through their borders and identity management is now a critical tool that many governments are looking into improving.
In Eastern Europe many nations are building up their Integrated Border Management (IBM) systems to a similar level to Western European nations. Border Management & Technologies Summit will review where individual countries are with their IBM strategies and their current roadmap.
Our 2016 event will discuss the importance of international cooperation in combating organised crimes across borders and resolving the migrant crisis in Eastern Europe focusing on land borders and the Mediterranean Sea.
You will have the chance to meet with government officials from Turkey, Hungary, Croatia, Kosovo, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia and many more…
To take part in our international event either as a speaker, sponsor, exhibitor or as a delegate please contact us at or call us on +44 (0)1582 346 706