Rome, Italy
17th April 2018 - 19th April 2018
Our 5th annual CBRNe Summit Europe conference and exhibition will be heading back to Rome, Italy where we will be evaluating the developments in CBRNe capabilities across Europe. The threat of CBRNe attacks across Europe is continuing to increase year on year.
CBRNe Summit Europe continues to grow each year and provides you unrivalled access to public sector officials from across Europe, Middle East, Americas and South-East Asia in one place.
Many CBRNe threats are developing and many terrorist cells are looking at different ways to create destruction across major cities in Europe. Our event will focus on many aspects of CBRNe to provide you an complete overview of the challenges faced to our first responders, emergency services and military in responding to new style attacks in our urban cities.
Our 2018 show will focus on the following topics over the two day conference and exhibition; Italian CBRNe Capabilities and Challenges, Maritime CBRNe threats, Chem-Bio Countermeasure Development, CBRNe Forensics, Countering IED’s, Security in Public Spaces – Increasing CBRNe threats and Military-Civil CBRNe Response Cooperation.
After the event you should come away with a complete and diverse understanding of how national first responders deal with CBRNe attacks from preparations, response, decon, recovery, forensics and lessons learnt. You will hear in-depth presentations from leading officials on different CBRNe threats.
As well as reviewing different threat scenarios we will also be looking at new emerging CBRNe threats during the conference such as CBRNe threats in the maritime domain which is becoming a major concern to the Italian Navy. Another developing threat is the capability of terrorist cells using drones with chem-bio payloads to attack public places for mass casualties. During the conference these new challenges will be discussed.
To be part of the largest gathering of CBRNe professionals in Europe please contact us via email at or by phone +44 (0)1582 346 706 and we will be happy to provide you further information on you can participate either as a speaker, sponsor/exhibitor or as delegates.