Al-Musallh Magazine is specialized in defensive, armament, strategic matters and national security

China | Advanced Training and Improvements for Chinese J-20 Fighter Outperforms US F-22 Fighter in Squadron Tactics.

China | Advanced Training and Improvements for Chinese J-20 Fighter Outperforms US F-22 Fighter in Squadron Tactics.

China’s Chengdu J-20 stealth fighter has been engaged in advanced tests that utilize swarms of drones to outperform the US Air Force’s F-22 Raptor fighter. These tests involve using drones…

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Ukraine | A bold Ukrainian Su-27 fighter jet is shown carrying US-made GBU-39.B precision-guided bombs integrated into it.

Ukraine | A bold Ukrainian Su-27 fighter jet is shown carrying US-made GBU-39.B precision-guided bombs integrated into it.

Ukraine has once again demonstrated its ability to modernize and adapt Soviet-era fighter jets into its arsenal, as a video recently posted online has revealed. The footage clearly shows two…

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Naval Defence Exhibition & Conference - NAVDEX 2025

Naval Defence Exhibition & Conference - NAVDEX 2025

Naval Defence Exhibition & Conference - NAVDEX 2025NAVDEX will be held concurrently with IDEX, providing a leading global platform for the maritime defence and security sector.

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The International Defence Exhibition & Conference (IDEX) 2025

The International Defence Exhibition & Conference (IDEX) 2025

About IDEX 2025 – International Defence Exhibition & Conference The International Defence Exhibition & Conference (IDEX) 2025 is the world’s most strategically significant tri-service defence event,

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Army reinforcement & supply are used frequently and their role become more important time in and time all over and even more with the fast technological changes in arms and equipments and the complication of the military system and expansion of military operations and remoteness of fighting military units and the main supply bases along with the increase of the size, variety and complexity of armed forces needed.

Therefore, a special method of supply and commissioning must be applied here because the modern army today has been identified as the "smart army" which requires mobilization of human,economic and psychological resources to serve this army which is structured on the specific value of the army personnel be it leaders or leaded as well as the specific value of the used arms and equipment. The continuous and fast development in the form of modern armies has a high impact on reinforcement & supply systems and the 

methodology of the administrative leaders and on management and strategic planning. Each country sets forth management and strategic planning that suit it'spolitical, economic and security conditions. Thus the foundations on which a military faith is based on different levels is affected mainly by the technological changes and to what extent they are accommodated and that shall be directly reflected on the state military strategy in building,developing and preparing its armed forces. Therefore, the state sets its military faith in harmony with its strategic goals and geographic, economic and human resources
einforcement &supply, strategic impact
Strategy is defined asa comprehensive approach of the air force towards achieving general goals and objectives of the nation in the long range. It is also defined as the art of recruitment and directing of national resources including air force to support and protect its interest from actual or potential enemies.Liedle Hart defines it as art of distribution and utilization of different military means to achieve political goals.
Reinforcement & supply is defined as a process of planning,implementation and securing air forces in the main bases and stage of operation with all physical needs in the specific time and place. It also includes to achieve them. The reinforcement & supply and mobilizationundertakes establishing the air forces and mobilize them and supply all physical needs, transportation, maintenance and medical care which cannot be implemented without a strong economy.

Basics of Reinforcement & supply

Any bases on which a work or idea leans upon may vary and these basics my develop especially in the military side according to development of armies and basics of reinforcement & supply which are usually in harmony goes with the modern army basics. Some of the most important reinforcement & supply basics are as follows:

Forecast: is the research and study of whatever new and urgent and sometimes unexpected related to the assessment and securing of reinforcement & supply in due time. However, usually those estimations are not exact, that is why they must be subjected to sufficient scientific studies as close to reality as possible.
Economy: is the exploitation and utilization of reinforcement & supply resources in such a way to achieve the goals with least possible cost.

Flexibility:procedures connected with reinforcement & supply must flexible and free of any complexity and able to react immediately to t
organizing,development,mobilization,evacuation,maintenance and medical .services. Other tasks include supplying air force factories with all production needs as well as construction and preparation of storehouses. A strong relation is developed between supply and strategy since the economic status of the country forms a huge and important part of the general strategy, and economic factors have direct impact on strategic goals which leads to a big interconnection between reinforcement & supply and national economy and strategy. Therefore, strategy deals with defining goals,measures and method
requirements and variables of military conditions of all sectors and to anything related to securing the needs and delivery, supply, maintenance …etc.
Cooperation: all efforts of departments and branches of reinforcement & supply and management system must be directed toward achieving the maximum use of the available capabilities and utilizing the strong points in the management system to achieve the main goals of reinforcement & supply. Also, all kind of cooperation between reinforcement & supply and other supplying agencies to extend beyond the military institution even to overseas.

Management planning

Management planning is characterized with its expansion phase as it can be considered the common factor of all aspects of generalmilitarymanagement. And in order for military planning to be successful, all factors of management planning, strategic planning and operational planning shall interact. And for strategic and management planning to be in harmony with any developments or new occurrences they must be complementary to one another starting from preparation for planning to completion of execution which requires a complete method with clear-cut planning measureslinked with good informational system. And in order to achieve success in formation and establishment of military units in its modern and sophisticated form, good thinking and proper assessment must be applied, and management tasks must be directed with fully studied plans free of offhandedness or carelessness to the results, and shall also be characterized with management and strategic planning flexible enough to enable the leaders to act right at times of arising of any confrontational status.

Training and preparation of supply human resources

The main objectives of any training process is to have all trainees reach the highest level of fighting technical and managerial efficiency (training is defined as a process structured on specific organization through which knowledge,experience and thoughts are transferred to the targeted trainees. The success of the training process depends uponreinforcement & supply operations in peace and war and the efforts extended by management leaders and their superiors and range of efficiency of the training plan set forth. Training depends also on many important points as follows:
1.Upgrade of technical , management and fighting efficiency of all managers the reinforcement & supply department as well as all formations and units of land, marine and air forces (i.e., managers,superiors and subordinates ) and to increase their capabilities and skills enabling them to deal and work in a modern smart army and use the highly technologically developed and complex arms in addition to information technology, computers , telecommunication…etc.
2.Expanding leaders' horizons and conceptions as they bear direct responsibility management and fighting trainingcontinuously through learning,training,development, study and research in all new areas of science and modern military technology.
3.Implanting group spirit among military unit individuals and reinforcing link of armed brotherhood and developing friendship and colleagueship and respect among individuals and their leaders, and to induce their will to work always as a complete cooperative team and that all individuals shall feel as one big family held together by a strong bind of love and brotherhood.


It becomes clear from the above stated that in principal economic capabilities limit the potentiality of securing physical safety for military units, at the same time, they also limit management abilities to utilize this military power for defense and security purposes. However, it is worth noting that reinforcement & supply works in general and its management affairs in particular have not been given due attention in terms of study and research even though management affairs represents the main link between the organization of military units and utilizing those units efficiently. The big increase in types of modern military equipment and their complex use and maintenance procedures requires a big increase in efficient and qualified management support units. The common conception tends to assign individuals or leaders of limited skill to work in the management system as it is management is considered a secondary work anyone can perform, and experiments have proven this conception wrong and it has lead to many problems and losses. Therefore, such conceptions must changemanagement leaders inreinforcement & supply such as specialized sergeants and skillful leaders who are equipped with a high amount of learning,experience and ability to set the goals and duly achieve them.

By colonel / Jalal Berey




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