يأتي المؤتمر بعد انتكاسة الوجود العسكري الأميركي في منطقة الساحل الأفريقي وغرب أفريقيا نتيجة التحولات السياسية والتطورات الأمنية والاجتماعية الأخيرة

Lieutenant General Mohamed Al Haddad, Lieutenant General Abdul Razzaq Al Nadhuri, and their accompanying delegation participated in the activities of the conference of defense ministers and chiefs of staff of the armies of the

countries of the African continent and the US Military Command in Africa (AFRICOM), in a military conference in “Gaborone”, the capital of Botswana. The meeting was attended by defense ministers. 30 African countries, where a number of topics were discussed that aim to achieve security and stability, as well as methods and methods for protecting resources, addressing pressing security challenges on the African continent, exchanging information and encouraging partnerships and cooperation regarding common security threats and challenges, so that Africa will be more peaceful and secure.

They also met with the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Charles Brown, and the Commander of the Military Command of the US Forces in Africa (AFRICOM), General Michael Langley, to discuss enhancing joint cooperation to confront challenges in the field of security and stability.

The conference comes after the setback of the American military presence in the Sahel region and West Africa as a result of the recent political transformations and security and social developments. Its organization at this time and within Africa suggests multiple implications and possible expectations in light of the escalation of global competitiveness in African regions of geostrategic importance to Washington.

The AFRICOM spokesman stressed that it is more than just a conference because it will discuss everything related to security “from counter-terrorism efforts to cyber threats and peacekeeping missions. Experts and military leaders will exchange ideas and strategies and establish partnerships that will enhance the collective defense capabilities of all of Africa.”

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